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Social Media Management Services

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$125 per month

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$149.00 per month

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$199.00 Per Month

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$39.00 per month


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Statistics show, 37.6 percent plan to include Instagram, 35.1 percent plan to use X (formally Twitter), 22.8 percent plan to use LinkedIn, and 21.4 percent plan to use YouTube.

In addition, 67% percent of consumers use Facebook and X to find a resolution to issues, and 1 in 3 prefer customer care over social media to telephone or email. Thirty-eight percent of small business owners plan to budget more for social media management in 2024.

It’s no secret that social media plays a big role in our lives these days. We use it to stay connected with our friends and family, to get news and updates on what’s going on in the world, and to find out about new products and services. 

More and more businesses are starting to realize the power of social media management and are using it to reach out to their customers. And it seems to be working, because customers are spending more money on brands that engage with them on social media. 

SOcial Media Platforms

Social Media Platforms We Manage


With over 2 billion active users, Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms on the internet. This immense popularity comes with a large amount of data which can give insight into what type of content resonates with users the most.


With over one billion monthly active users worldwide, it is estimated that over 500 million people are daily active users on the platform. Instagram also boasts over 40 billion photos shared and 4.2 billion likes per day.

X (formally Twitter)

X Statistics provide an insight into the platform, providing data on how many active users there are, the average number of tweets posted per day, monthly and yearly trends in usage, and the most popular topics being discussed.


LinkedIn is a platform that allows users to connect professionally, share their work experiences, and look for jobs. It’s a powerful engine with over 600 million users and nearly 20 million companies worldwide.


Statistics show that over two billion accounts are logged into YouTube every month, with almost 5 billion videos being watched each day. YouTube is not only popular for its entertaining videos but also for its educational content.


With over 250 million monthly active users, and representing 40% of social media referred traffic to other sites, it’s no wonder why businesses are flocking to the platform. 79% of users are female, and the majority (60%) are aged between 25-54.


Telegram users can create and join groups and channels. Groups are large multi-user chats that support up to 200,000 members and can be public or private. Users can freely join public chats and find them using the in-app search function, while private chats require an invitation.

Facebook Groups

Facebook groups is one of the most popular social media platforms on the internet. This immense popularity comes with a large amount of data which can give insight into what type of content resonates with users the most.

Social Media Mangement

Why Choose us for your Social Media Management?

Effective communication

We know how important effective communication is with our clients. We work to develop a deeper and long-lasting relationship with you through communication.

We know that in order to best serve you and meet your needs, we need to be able to communicate with you effectively. We strive to provide you with the best possible service by maintaining open and honest communication with you.


We have a competing staff that has expertise in almost all the areas of social media marketing. While this can be seen as a threat, it's actually an opportunity for us to stand out.

We need to focus on our unique selling points and make sure that we're providing a service that our competitors can't match. With a little creativity and hard work, we can make sure that our business is the one that comes out on top.

Good Value and Transparent Billing

The bottom line in business is always about money. So, it's important for our agency to offer value and have transparent billing practices.

This way, our clients know exactly what they're paying for and can make informed decisions about their budget.

More Inbound Traffic

By using social media marketing tools, you can reach a wide variety of potential customers. The most important reason to market your business on social media is because it significantly increases your traffic.

Without social media, your business is only visible to your usual customers. However, with a strong social media presence, your business gains more visibility and therefore more opportunities for conversion.

Improved Search Engine Rankings

Although posting on social media might get your business some site traffic, more effort than that is required to see significant success. 

In order to see real success, you need to put in the effort to create a well-rounded marketing plan that includes other channels such as email marketing, content marketing, and pay-per-click advertising. Social media can be a great way to drive traffic to your website.

Better Customer Satisfaction

Social media is a networking and communication platform. Creating a voice for your company through these platforms is important in humanizing your company. The rise of social media has been a game-changer for businesses.

No longer are companies able to only rely on traditional marketing methods to reach their target audiences.

Social Media Management

Social Media Posting Tips

Social media can be a powerful marketing tool if leveraged effectively to get more leads and sales. Here are some tips to help you maximize the impact of your social media posts:

1. Prioritize Quality Content: Focus on providing content that is interesting, useful, and informative to your followers. Avoid posting too often with generic content or promotional posts; instead, strive to create posts that will be engaging and relevant to your audience.

2. Use Visuals: Adding visuals to your posts can make them more engaging and can attract more viewers. Use visuals such as photos, videos, and graphics to draw the eye of your followers.

3. Engage: Engage with your followers by responding to their comments and messages, and by joining conversations and offering advice or support. This will help you build relationships with your followers and will demonstrate your commitment to customer service.

4. Monitor Your Metrics: Monitor your metrics to better understand your followers and to determine which content resonates with them. Use this data to optimize your content and to create more effective posts.

By taking the time to create quality content, engage with your followers, and monitor your metrics, you can use social media to effectively get more leads and sales.



Why Businesses Need Social Media Management

Social media management is becoming increasingly important for businesses to stay competitive in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Social media platforms are essential for engaging customers, promoting services, building brand recognition, and providing customer service.

Many businesses are already using social media for marketing and branding but without effective management, these efforts are often inefficient and unproductive. Social media management involves the planning, execution, and analysis of a business’s social media presence in order to maximize effectiveness and reach.

The main benefit of social media management is the ability to track and measure customer interactions in real-time. Through analytics and reporting, social media managers can gain a better understanding of customer behavior, interests, and preferences. This allows businesses to tailor content and campaigns to their target audience in order to maximize engagement and conversions.

Social media also provides businesses with an easy way to interact with customers and build relationships. By responding to customer comments and inquiries, businesses can quickly build trust and loyalty, leading to increased sales. Social media management helps businesses stay on top of conversations and engage with customers in an authentic and meaningful way.

Social Media Managment