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What to Post on Social Media, Easy as 1,2,3!

When you post on social media, it’s important to consider which platforms you’re using and what kind of content is appropriate for each one. Not all content needs to be shared everywhere, and not all content is suitable for every post on social a social media platform.

For example, if you’re sharing personal updates or photos, you might want to limit that to Facebook or Instagram, where you know your friends and family are already following you.

On the other hand, if you’re sharing professional updates or articles, LinkedIn would be a better platform. Think about the kind of content you’re sharing and who you want to see it before you post. That way, you can be sure you’re using social media in the most effective way.

The main rule is that different things should be posted on different platforms. In fact, it might even help you to boost your engagement. T & J Digital Marketing has several ways to make it easy to create the content to Post on Social Media Platforms all at the same time.

An added benefit to this program is to be able to schedule your posts days, weeks, or even months ahead. We offer this as a  Service or a DIY subscription service.

We make it easy to Post on Social Media very easy. We also have software programs that you can use to create your posts. The DIY program has training videos that you can use according to our suggestions in this article.

  • Post on Social Media and Share an industry-related article or blog post and add your own commentary.
  • Post on Social Media and Share an interesting or funny meme related to your industry.
  • Post on Social Media and Share a behind-the-scenes look at your business.
  • Post on Social Media and Share a customer story or testimonial.
  • Post on Social Media and Share photos or videos from company events.
  • Post on Social Media and Share your company’s news, such as new products, awards, or expansion.
  • Post on Social Media and Post on Social Media and Share tips or advice related to your industry.
  • Post on Social Media and Share a link to your company’s website or blog.
  • Post on Social Media and Share a quote related to your industry or business.
  • Ask a question related to your industry or business.

But how to decide what to post on social media platform?

Maybe you’re still at a complete loss on what to post on each social media platform. Here’s a generalized summary of content types for social media per network. Post on Social Media will boost your advertising and engagement. Make sure to check out our DIY subscription service after reading the rest of this article.

Twitter: Twitter is a great platform for sharing news, articles, and blog posts. You can Post on Social Media and share images, videos, and infographics. If you have a product or service, you can use Twitter to promote it. You can also use Twitter to engage with your customers and followers.

Facebook: Facebook is a great platform for sharing news, articles, and blog posts. You can also Post on Social Media images, videos, and infographics. If you have a product or service, you can use Facebook to promote it. You can also use Facebook to engage with your customers and followers.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn is a great platform to Post on Social Media and share news, articles, and blog posts. You can also share images, videos, and infographics. If you have a product or service, you can use LinkedIn to promote it. You can also use LinkedIn to engage with your customers and followers.

Pinterest: Pinterest is a great platform to Post on Social Media and share images, videos, and infographics. You can also use Pinterest to promote your product or service. You can also use Pinterest to engage with your customers and followers.

Instagram: Instagram is a great platform for sharing images and videos. You can also use Instagram to promote your product or service. You can also use Instagram to engage with your customers and followers.

Post on Social Media

What to post on social media for Facebook?

Right now, the best content to Post on Social Media for Facebook using videos and live videos are the most popular content on this platform. What does it mean?

According to analytics videos have higher average engagement than images and links. So, upload your videos to Facebook directly. Such videos receive more engagement and shares than YouTube links. Also, use Facebook Live to connect with your audience in real-time.

Facebook Live is a great way to connect with your audience in real-time. It allows you to share your thoughts and feelings with your friends and followers in a more personal way.

You can use Facebook Live to share your latest news, give a behind-the-scenes look at your business, or just connect with your friends and followers in a more personal way.

The best time to post on Facebook is between 1 pm and 3 pm

There are many reasons that posting on Facebook is between 1 and 3pm. This is the time when people are most likely to be on their computers or phones, and they are also more likely to be taking breaks from work or school. This is the perfect time to catch people’s attention and get them to interact with your post.

How many times per week should a business post on social media and the reasons why

Many businesses post on social media several times per week, but the frequency with which a business posts on social media can vary depending on the business and its goals. There are a few factors to consider when deciding how often to post on social media, such as the platform, the content, and the audience.

The platform is one factor to consider when deciding how often to post on social media. For example, if a business is using Facebook, it may want to post more often than if it were using LinkedIn.

This is because Facebook is more of a personal platform, and people are more likely to check their feed multiple times per day. LinkedIn, on the other hand, is more of a professional platform, and people are less likely to check their feed as often.

The content is another factor to consider when deciding how often to post on social media. If a business is posting a lot of original content, it may want to post more often than if it were posting mostly links to other articles.

This is because original content is more likely to capture people’s attention and get them to engage with the post. The audience is the final factor to consider when deciding how often to post on social media.

If a business is targeting a younger audience, it may want to post more often than if it were targeting an older audience. This is because younger people are generally more active on social media and are more likely to see a post if it’s posted more often.

In general, businesses should post on social media at least a few times per week. This will help them to reach a wider audience and to keep people engaged with their content.

Content Ideas: What to share on Facebook

  • Share an industry-related article or blog post and add your own commentary.
  • Share an interesting or funny meme related to your industry.
  • Share a behind-the-scenes look at your business.
  • Share a customer story or testimonial.
  • Share photos or videos from company events.
  • Share your company’s news, such as new products, awards, or expansion.
  • Share tips or advice related to your industry.
  • Share a link to your company’s website or blog.
  • Share a quote related to your industry or business.
  • Ask a question related to your industry or business.


What to post on Instagram?

High quality photos

The best content to Post on Social Media for Instagram has become a place where people post only the best photos (and videos) on their profile. Instagrammers appreciate aesthetic quality in visual content and will often make the effort to transform the basics into a thing of beauty.

Brands seeking to engage teens and young adults will want to offer an organic experience by aiming for quality, too. Images and video will perfectly be beautiful, thoughtfully composed and artfully presented.

Best time to Post on Instagram

There is no one definitive answer to this question. However, some experts suggest that the best time to post on Instagram is between 2 and 3pm. This is because this is when people are most likely to be using the app and scrolling through their feed.

Other experts recommend posting early in the morning, around 6am, as this is when people are most likely to be checking their phone for new notifications. Ultimately, it depends on your audience and when they are most active on the app. Experiment with different times and see what works best for you.

How many times per week on instagram should a business post on social media and the reasons why

There’s no definitive answer to how often a business should post on Instagram, but generally speaking, the more often you post, the more likely you are to engage your followers and grow your audience.

That said, posting too often can also be overwhelming for your followers, and you don’t want to end up being ignored because you’re flooding people’s feeds.

A good rule of thumb is to post 1-2 times per day, but adjust as needed based on your audience’s engagement levels. The most important thing is to be strategic about your posting, and make sure that each post has a purpose.

Whether you’re sharing a new product, promoting a sale, or just giving a behind-the-scenes look at your business, make sure each post is interesting and informative.


What to post on X (Formaly Twitter)?

The most common reason why people use X (FormallyTwitter) is to keep up with news, according to a survey of over 3,000 people by the American Press Institute. 40 percent use X to find out about breaking news; 39 percent to keep up with news in general. (This information is previously for Twitter. There are not a lot of accurate statistics since changing to X)

X (FormallyTwitter) has become one of the most popular social media platforms in recent years. A large part of its appeal is its ability to provide users with real-time updates on what is happening around the world.

This is especially useful for people who want to stay up-to-date on the latest news. According to a survey of over 3,000 people by the American Press Institute, the most common reason why people use X is to keep up with news.

40 percent of respondents said that they use X to find out about breaking news, while 39 percent use it to keep up with news in general. This is not surprising, given how easy it is to find and follow news sources on X.

In addition, X’s format is well-suited to sharing news stories, as users can easily retweet or share articles with their followers. If you’re looking for a way to stay up-to-date on the latest news, Xr is a great option. Just be sure to follow some reputable news sources so that you can be sure to get accurate information.

X (Formally Twitter) is a great platform for sharing content, but it can be difficult to know what to post.

Here are a few ideas:

  • Share interesting articles or blog posts that you’ve read recently.
  • Share photos or videos that you think are funny, adorable, or otherwise worth sharing.
  • Share your own original thoughts or insights on a particular topic.
  • Ask your followers a question and encourage them to respond.
  • Start or join in on a  conversation about a trending topic. Whatever you decide to share on X (FormallyTwitter), remember to keep it interesting, engaging, and relevant to your followers.


Twitter Statistics




What to post on Pinterest?

There are a few things to consider when deciding what to post on Pinterest. First, consider your audience. Who are you trying to reach with your pins? What interests do they have? Once you know who your audience is, you can start creating content that they will enjoy.

Next, consider the type of content you want to share. Pinterest is a great platform for sharing visual content, so images and infographics are always popular. You can also share blog posts, quotes, and other types of content that will be of interest to your audience.

Finally, make sure you are sharing content that is high quality and informative. Pinterest users are looking for information that they can use, so make sure your pins are providing value. With these things in mind, you can start creating content that will be popular on Pinterest.


Like Instagram, Pinterest is a very visual social media platform. So, images are the best thing to post on Pinterest. If you’re looking to get the most out of Pinterest, you’ll want to make sure you’re posting vertical images.

That’s because most of the content on Pinterest is presented in a vertical format, which makes sense given that people are scrolling through the site.

While you can certainly post horizontal images on Pinterest, they’ll likely get lost in the shuffle and won’t get as much attention as vertical images. So, if you’re looking to get the most eyeballs on your content, stick to posting vertical images.

Step-by-step guides:

The most popular topics on Pinterest include DIY and craft, home decor, food and drinks, and design.

Among these topics, there are vertical images with step-by-step photo instructions on how to make something perform well. Such guides teach people how to create something just via the photos, which makes them easy to consume and great for re-pin.

Best time to post on Pinterest:

 There is no one definitive answer to this question. Depending on your goals, you may want to post at different times. For example, if you are trying to reach a US audience, the best time to post is 9:00-10:00 pm EST. However, if you are trying to reach a global audience, the best time to post is 12:00-1:00 am EST.


What to post on LinkedIn?

When it comes to LinkedIn, there are a few things you can do to make sure you are putting your best foot forward. For starters, LinkedIn is all about building connections and networking, so be sure to post content that will help you do just that. This can include articles, blog posts, infographics, and even videos.

You should also make use of LinkedIn’s groups and forums to get involved in conversations and start building relationships. In addition to networking-related content.

LinkedIn is also a great place to share your professional accomplishments and expertise. This can include things like new projects you’re working on, awards you’ve won, or even articles you’ve written.

By sharing this type of content, you’ll be able to position yourself as an expert in your field and make valuable connections at the same time. So, what are you waiting for? Start posting on LinkedIn today and see the difference it can make in your career!


In conclusion, Social media is a great way to build engagement. Organic traffic or paid promotion can get potential customers to your website or social media but posting interesting and relevant content will help you retain them for longer and build a relationship.

So, now that you know what to post on each of the world’s biggest social media platforms, and easy way’s to do your posts on Social Media, there’s no excuse for not posting regularly. 

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